This study was very completle. It provided for nearly all cases expect the most intelligent serial killers and it had a very good acrute study providing for roughly 80% of murderers. It showed us some examples and professers who studied and worked alongside the main researcher to help back up her study with facts and examples. Also by showing some of the killers the lady spoke too was a good way to show her kind of research and even showing how well credited her study is even in the law system where it was not very well credited for it's time. My reaction to the video was a mixture, I wasn't too surprised that most killers have mental defects and a history of abuse, because people being naturally violent isnt natural. However the fact that alot of court's dont acknowledge this research is strange even more so the reaction's that people had to her reasrch even going as far as to taunt her and say she has pity for killers who in full awareness murder someone, you would think that the courts that have allowed other research to occur would take such a shocking study more seriously. However this is probably due to a case of bias where every single person who kills deserves to die, rather then simple foolishness. This helps prove that many violent people deserve to life rather then die and be rehabitated rather then imprisoned and helps to show that foolishness and rash decision making has probably killed then it saves.
This also helps to prove a critical fact in many court cases. The denial of evidence which could change the outcome from being guilty to being innocent. In many cases both the researcher in the video and many others have been denied the right to have some time with a "guilty murderer" and this if corrected could possibly help bring new evidence to light which sheds new insight on a crime. Also it could cause others to be made guilty of crimes since many killers have a history of abuse, it could cause the parents to be in trouble and charged with child abuse.
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