We recently watched a video in class about homosexuality. This video discussed the possible origins of it, by showing various studies on twins and the older brother effect. This video taught us that identical twins have the same genes while fraternal twins have different ones this allows researchers to take out the nature out of the study and focus solely on nurture allowing studies to be more decisive with their results and know that whatever occurs in the studies it is from nurture not nature. We also learned about the older brother effect, a strange occurrence which increases chances of someone being born gay if they are male and right handed. In order to explain this someone must understand the function of the immune system, which is the “firewall” of the human body. It is the way a human can recover from an illness, due to the body recognizing that the germs are foreign substances which don’t belong in the human body. This causes the body to produce anti-bodies that assault the foreign substance attempting to force it to leave the body. The older brother effect affects males only simply because the male inside the female body is a foreign and unknown substance, causing the immune system to attempt to produce anti-bodies to assault the baby, if they are male. The first born boy only has a 2% percent chance of being born gay, and from then on if another boy is in the womb then the body has anti-bodies on hand to fight them and the chance of being born gay is increased by nearly a third, and this effect is staked, increasing each time a new boy is born. For some unknown reason the studies have shown this only effects boys who are born right handed, so take for example that a boy has five older brothers the increased chance of being born attracted to males would be negated if he was left handed.

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