The teenage brain is a mysterious thing. The video we saw discussed certain area's of teenage development like risk factors which obviously due to our "undeveloped" frontal lobes are higher then any other age groups. It all discussed our need for more sleep due to the growth spurs of the brain while we sleep. The video discussed why parents think teenager's are pretty much the worse thing to happen to man kind since pandora's box was openned. I was mostly interested by the section on sleep and learning, due to its obvious effect on students abilities to learn.
The way this video relates to me is probably different from other students. I feel very different from normal teenagers on the parents issue. I don't want my parents to get closer to me due to the way I study, which is mostly on my own like alot of the things I do. According to the video most teenager’s want their parents to come more into their lives then they let on, but I believe that a large portion of teenager’s are actually honest when it comes to the attention they want from their parents, I know I am. When I want attention I ask my parents, sadly most of the time they annoy me. Despite this I am still close to them when I want to be not pushing them away but not attempting to draw them closer like the video says. This video was most likely surprising to most teenagers including myself. Even when I come to school lacking sleep I still attempt to perform well and normally by eight I am wide awake, so despite the video’s revealing studies on sleep I am always “on my A game”. Most of the other teenager’s I know are also wide awake by eight in the morning during first block so at least in the sleep department I am not alone. Adults can’t “hold a candle to our flames” but more then most teenager’s give credit for they can understand how the teenage brain works. While this video was surprisingly in depth I doubt the people in it actually act like they did in the video as it seemed to be to heavily the adult stero-type of a teenager. Also the parents seemed too relaxed for it to be a actual non-scrpited parent.